Monday, 2 February 2009


Probably this year
When i start working
Im gonna VROOM you down.

It gets irritating when the beginning of the year aint going smooth. Problem arising right after another, Trying to make changes but always hold back by something. I hope to end this shit as soon as possible.Though my mind is full of trouble, BUT at least IM HAPPY.

Was gambling over at abel's house last saturday. ALL THE WAY FROM 10pm to 8am in the morning. I didnt gamble at all! Just a few rounds of Non-Profitable mahjong session and slacked with the others though the day. The guys are friendly and kept talking shit. Especially the curly hair Alvin, Ultimate MEAN but he is speaking the truth somehow.Actually, I was upset over some issues but these GUYS MAKE ME SOOO HAPPY that im starting to Look forward to malacca trip with them.


P/S: Emotional are for KIDS. Adult like us just cant be bothered.

1 comment:

alvincrew said...

I'm not mean, i'm awesome. Wahahah