Thursday, 15 October 2009

Say bye bye to loewe

She wasnt pretty
She dont care abt loewe
She have a simple birthday party
She have plenty of friends
She is a weirdo
She is devon
She was asked to get the table
We all laugh at her
But she is happy even after so long.

she is the one. Someone who i aint even close with.

It doesnt matter whether u are carrying a 2.55 chanel bag or driving a posh bentley. Friends come to u not because of your damn bag or your sport series car. If u are damn rich, buy a birkin hermes bag bitch. I can gurantee you will be the most popular fellow in the group. Popular for being snipe at the back.HAAAS

Dont drive bentley. Drive rolls royces! POA ppl. Its POA. god damn it. filthy rich? or fucking rich? you name them. words go around saying he is the mastermind behind the illegal bookies shit.HAA. whats law? where is the justice? I see none currently.

Fuck Uni. Fuck sunglass. Fuck Holidays. Fuck Prostitution. Fuck Asshole. Fuck Bitches. Fuck bastard. Fucktard!

Cheers to loser


P/s: Love my sweetest boyfriend..

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