Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Failure. Let it be

You think that you are strong, but you are weak
You'll see,
It takes more strength to cry, admit defeat.
I have truth on my side,
You only have deceit
You'll see, somehow, someday

All by myself
I don't need anyone at all
I know I'll survive
I know I'll stay alive,
All on my own
I don't need anyone this time
It will be mine
No one can take it from me
You'll see

Because i wasnt capable enough!

Because I cant foresee the future and follow the crowds blindly

Why not just give up?

Let it go let it go. I'm letting my life go..

Aint thats what demotivational are for? You got them all..

Fail, Fail And fail
Let me sink
Let you watch me fall
It doesnt matter since the outcome will always be the same
What is it about dreaming big?
What is it about earning big money?
What is it about life? Its nothing now.
Because Reality eat your dream, your hopes, your faith, your brain and your mindset.
You're wrong. And always will be wrong..


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