Thursday, 28 April 2011

Past and present

Looking back those days,

I hand wash expensive clothes for my sister and machine wash my family's clothes
I wash dishes for my family after meal
I iron my school uniform
I cook food with references from cookbook (Though it doesn't taste fantastic but edible)
I cut fruits (Apple, Guava, Pineapple, Water Melon, Papaya and etc) for visitors
I do Spring Cleaning once in a while
I bath my dog frequently
I studied very hard and aim to be the top student in school
I practice hard to be the sharpest shooting in school
I jog every single day because i want to be slim
I'm motivated to be remarkable in future.

I was independent back then and my current boyfriend do not know how much i know and thought that my life is filled with:

Watching Tv
Watch my favourite Tv
Watch my favourite Tv Drama Kang Xi 
Love my couch
Love to sleep on my couch
Love to watch Tv and at the same time fell asleep at my couch
Must eat
Must eat good food
Must eat the best food in town

Who say i dunno how to do those simple chores? (BF SAID SO) _|_
Who say i cant even wash clothes and iron clothes (BF SAID SO) _|_

Relax darling. You dont have to put in so much effort to drill me because I'm not from royal family lei.
HAHAHA. I know what im doing and im just plain lazy many many times. 

Anyway, I still love you very much darling. Hope to get our favourable home soon!


P/s: I love my boyfriend TYEE.. 

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