Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Another level of life.

I realise the best part of love
Is the thinnest Slice
And it dont count for much

Brought my cousin to the swimming complex today.It aint anything special to us but it seems fascinating to him. His love for singapore is so overwhelming that he wanna come back every year. Perhaps, aussie is really just a piece of land. With nothing but lazy whites. Why do people goes around envying one another over studying overseas or migrating? It wasnt a big deal at all! I've stop envying people for quite sometime and started to behave more like myself. Thats part of growing up and i hope im right. You live within your means. You know that little hardwork can bring you to another level.Just endure and do your best. There is no shortcut.

I talk shit, i crap jokes but i know where im heading to at the end of the day.
I laugh out loud, i snipe at people but i know why im doing it.
Nobody is a fool. Everything happens for a reason.


P/s: Do you know why jokers resembles evil most of the time? Keep thinking.


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