Wednesday, 19 November 2008


Shit incident occurs.
Shit modules to clear.
Shit Economic is here.

What the fuck?

First and foremost, My laptop went dead and there is no way to revive it even though i head to the service centre. OH YEAH!I WILL NEVER BUY ACER PRODUCT. And they will be the top of my blacklist.

School is ultimate busy that i hardly have the time to come online. Yeah yeah MIA MIA MIA. thats what i know best can. Project is like hanging and exams are around the corner. Super ultimate fucked up man. No motivation to study coz i get wore out very easily as if i'm having some terminal illness.

I think some branded stores must have cast some black magic on me. Making me hunger for more brandies. Worst thing is i aint even rich.thats the fuck fuck fuck things. I love my dad and mum. So i aint gonna spend their money of course!

Oh did i mentioned CARS ARE DRIVING ME NUTS TOO?.I LOVE THEM all and I EVEN DREAMT OF THEM. I will drive them and its just the matter of time.HAHAHAHA. and i was laughing to myself


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