Thursday, 25 March 2010


I know i have itchy butt but i just wanna try to see whether there is any chance to look as sweet as felicia chin. (That is to Bangs my fringe).

After im done with cutting, Of coz I felt happy at first. Coz i look so much different and younger.

After 3 hours of jumping and smiling,

I think like i look like a bang in the ass instead. No, I dont look like im from the local. Very much like PRC and worst my sister say i look like a minah (Malay Ah-lian). WTF? Even my boyfriend reckon that too. Must be a wrong move. ZZZ. NO BANGS FOR ME IN FUTURE. GOSH!

Anyway, My Birthday is coming. Im getting older by one again.. Sigh!

I wish

To be young
To be pretty
To get married soon
To bless everyone with good health
To Score for Exam
To Win a Lamborghini
To Get Royal Flush at RWS

Last but not least, I love my boyfriend every much . =) He is the reason behind why i stand this tall today. He's not my shelter but he can be my pillar.


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