Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Babi Tyee

Europe Holiday Status: Long Term KIV
Aussie Holiday Status: Pending for Approval
Thailand Holiday Status: Coming Soon
Malaysia Holiday Status: Anytime
Batam Island Holiday Status: May Consider
Singapore Holiday Status: Deleted

I love my boyfriend very much. Words can never describe how cool he is and till today i cant believe that such good shit can ever happen to me. Back to those days when i was with a jerk, I yearn for more happiness, financial stability- Coz he will always ask me to transfer money to his account, less quarrels which can never take place, showering me with care and concern and lastly buying me gifts (MUAHAHA) Those days, its like a trip to hell. 3 long years of hell!

Finally, Somewhere in 2009, I think god had seen enough of my suffering and so decided to throw baby tyee ( Who has become Babi Tyee eventually) to me. He drives me around, He bought me a diamond ring on our first month anniversary, He is financially healthy,  He is forever making me laugh with his crappy jokes, He bought me 99 roses for our 1 year anniversary, He empty his pocket and pass most of his money to me when we are overseas, He seldom say NO (Except for Europe Trip which he claims BORING AND WASTE MONEY!GRR!!), He will help me with scoring points by hinting me to do something that pleased his family, He will make my parents and siblings very happy. Tell me! Where to find such good deal?! The Package is even better than KFC and Macdonald! HAHA.


P/s: There is only one babi tyee and thats you!. U PORK. =) i love you. heee.    

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