I know im a little naggy and freaking pessimistic when comes to dating. Like when people ask me for advices regarding the kind of guys they met, the things they do,the look they have, the car they drive and the places where they live. I'll tell you, I have never dated
Good Looking Guys,
Guys driving big cars like bentley and they dont stay anywhere but
HDB. Despite that, I still met nasty guys who really ruin part of my life and leaving "
memorable history". I dont see people who have better looks, driving bigger cars or living in landed property can be as good. To worsen the situation, Majority of them are born with silver spoon while the minority actually work from the bottom. If you manage to date the minority, you got my blessing! but if you date the majority of them, its really up to you to choose whether you gonna be their
maid who they always yelled at or
sex toy for the purpose of unleashing their dragon?
Remember! there are 77000+/- Millionaires in singapore. How many of them are actually keeping mistress? I'm keeping my fingers cross! LOL
The Very first Rule for dating!
Dont let greed climb into your brain and start eating it up till you are left with pea brain.
The problem with Jumping into bed too soon! Now sex is the trouble!
The problem with marriage! They Hope its a dream that never came true!
I hope your husband doesnt call you a fucktard who stay home and do nothing.
You call yourself getting a life? They got better life than yours!
By then when you found out the shit that he did
In the end, You Pack your bag and go home
While he continues his life. Yeah Baby!
No wealth drop from the sky and no mountain too high for you to climb.
P/s: I aint extraordinary! But i found the right man. How about you? Player? Give your Vaginas and Dicks a break please!
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