Monday, 16 July 2012

Job Hunting and know when to go

Never had such a tough time on job hunting. But still i did not regret quitting a good pay job.

Because i know this is it, and i cant turn back my mentality. I cant just sit there and pretend everything is okay when the fact is everything is not okay at all. I feel tired, restless and dying to breakaway.

Yes, i quit and that day was the best day of my life!! But soon after the best day, everything became normal and i need to stress on getting a job. I wasn't really stressing hard coz i saved quite a substantial portion of my monthly pay that can last me quite awhile. but i still need to get a job anyway.

I know this is silly but i send my resume to work as a police officer. Then shortly after withdraw from the application. Because Hubby-To-Be TYEE think that its pointless and i should stop sending resume nonsensically. Oh well!

So meanwhile, While waiting for calls, Why not just sit back and relax?

P/s: I love HTB Tyee.. Why dont we go for a holiday? (Haha. aiya sure cheapo one la you.. )


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