Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Asshole dont deserve to live. =)

When one cheat on his girlfriend = deserve to die
When one have sex with prostitute = deserve to die
When one Doesnt REPENT = HE MUST DIE
Would dying from car accident brutal?
or being ran over by lorries is better?
Oh wait wait wait.
I think lightning strike is the best.
Plane Crash is just as marvelous!

You see. You came across shit people and these shitholes are capable of leaving horrors in your mind. They dont move on but instead lagging behind like one fucking cunts!Ops. Oh yeah. His hair is bald. His face is crap and his teeth is OMG fucking yellowish like some maggot just died there. He eat shit to survive and work at some shitty company at Tuas. however soon to be retrench i guess?. Whats more? he drives a pathetic red plate hyundai getz that any girls in singapore will finds it disgraceful.Haaaa.. Gotten his degree at 30 years old and i seriously pity his gf who earn a grand more than him. gosh.Maybe thats the trend now.Woman are earning more than man! For better life, i pray for his gf to leave him and flee with some other guy.

Thats seriously from the bottom of my heart

OH! just in case u wanna know about how i am doing. Im fine! Thank you!


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