Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Shitty people.

Beautiful people are everywhere.
while its rare to find beautiful soul.
So why the society care about physical appearance and overlook what is deep inside?

Im fed up with people lately! Girls especially.

If you think ur fat. Then pls kindly sacrifice an hour of sleep to exercise.
If you think ur complexion is bad. Then stop painting ur face awhile for godsake.
If you think ur gotten a bad boyfriend. Then fucking ditch them and curse them BAD.
If you cant finish a plate of rice. Please FUCKING ASK FOR LESS RICE.
If you keep whinning about life and how unfair life is. Then i urge you to go to the tallest building nearby and jump down. Nobody will give a shit about you.

Oh theres more!

So what if you have the angelical look?
Your low self esteem makes you look like the most pathetic+desperate animal on earth.
So what if you gotten a wealthy and good boyfriend?
There will still be no end to this "Pathetic Envying Behaviour". Coz nobody is perfect you shit head.
YOU BITCH! Why didnt you ask for less rice?
One out of seven people fucking starved to death everyday in africa. ARE U HUMAN? FATHERFUCKERS!

Oh. Not just ladies. GUYS AS WELL.

You all motherfuckers like to Judge and rate how people look? Oh please, Fucking go to your drawer get a mirror and take one look. JUST ONE LOOK at yourself. Did you see a fuck face infront of the mirror?Or do you just happen to recall and realised that ur face look exactly like your dick. YES. LJ face. I seriously pity your mum for giving birth to a dick face son. Oh dear.What have your mum done? Pray more at your catholic church brother. I hope GOD BLAST YOU.Thats not all. there is this particular fit guy who was in the school of engineering likes to judge girls too. UNFORTUNATELY, he can never find his true love and have to Visit Brothel Frequently for some excitement. HAA. Im laughing at you seriously. I hope i aint the next to wish you happy AIDS DAY. Coz you gonna die very pitifully..

HAIz. WHats with the world seriously? Hopeless people are everywhere.


P/s: Be sensible people. What goes around Comes around.

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