Thursday, 8 January 2009

Jackass 3:16

Silence and ignore could have means not me
Making a big fuss out of it could have means its me.
Is that another way to admit?
Coz i dare not say who.
Opps. I think i didnt even mention WHO!
So who is who?
Gosh. Im like having some dementia now.
And its irritating.Pardon me! Im a little sick today

Its a happy day. Though he failed his TP. but that makes him a stronger person aint it? Life is cool and jackass should fuck off from this wonderful world.

And one last thing! i didnt know my blog is popular now.

Im fine people.


P/s: One more Sms/Msg. Just O-N-E more!And i dont know whether our efficient policeman come knocking at your door.hmm.

Goodnight everyone

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