Thursday, 19 March 2009


The more i think. The more IM FEELING ANGRY.

Firstly, You shithole don't have a life? if you have your own car JUST DRIVE YOUR FUCKING CAR AND stop calling me just to ask where i am and say NOTHING BYE BYE when i say im outside with my parent. IN FACT IM NOT WILLING TO FETCH U. YOU WERE ONCE SELF CENTRED TO ME. DO YOU THINK i will even let u sit on my car? FUCK YOU BITCH. Im afraid your FUCKING GIGANTIC BUTT GONNA SPOIL MY DAMN CAR.

Next, U Bastard cheated on me? I wasnt upset at all please. Im just moving on well like anyone else waiting to date or already date another guy. FOR GOD SAKE, STOP messaging me and trying to explain shit that will never work out. Once a cheater always a cheater. I thought i met one at Supreme court. THEN the next minute. i encounter another hidden one right beside me. HA. u see. We woman are NO fools. Check your blind spot next time. U might see your girlfriend kissing some other guys. NOOB.

Lastly, Screw self centred people. They are one big fucking cunts. DIE DIE DIE.

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