Friday, 1 May 2009

Hello World.

Im not dead yet.

Just that im a little busy with work and i could only hang out at night.
Late night i suppose.

I did some silly shit by sending my application to singapore police force. Coz i wanna nab all the Modified cars. I hate WRX and i hate Honda Civic or some honda airwave who zhng their headlight like crap. But somehow. Its all impulsive shit. and guess wad. I WAS SHORTLISTED. haha. but i just cut the crap and never go for the interview as i felt that I deserve better. Though i hate accounting sooo badly. But at least its will bring me somewhere OVER THE RAINBOW.

I miss all my friends and i shut my world due to work. I went back to collect my graduation robe yesterday. How nice to meet up with edwin and zhong ming. Talk lotsa stuffs along the way.

I started to rely on car heavily. I will not step out of the house without my car. And i mean it. But at the same time. I dont like to fetch people who i dont like. So i always prevent myself from going out with them. I love all my poly mates coz they are always nice and funny. Not forgetting some of my secondary sch mates. ALL the wonderful souls i love the most.

I have nothing to add.

Oh ya. I go to church regularly. =)


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