Monday, 25 January 2010


Im so drained by life
Im so drained by Computers
Im so drained by driving
Im so drained by shopping
I do not wish to go anywhere
Just let me be me.

I realised im lost.Lost in this long winding road that doesnt belong to me in the first place. Being Monkey see Monkey do half the time in my life. This got me real mad and real annoyed with myself. I didnt want to think that much but i feel horrible. I feel useless. I feel that im getting all the shit yet the baddies are getting all the joys. Maybe the grudges are too much for me to let go. Coz every now and then. I remember how i was being tortured. I wish they die tragically. I hope misfortune cast on them. Just fuck off and die. And i Fucking mean it.

Boyfriend aint in good state lately. He had gotten himself wounded on his limbs and a ultimate serious injuries on his foot during a basketball game.

Dear Lord,
I hope you cast away his pain.
Let him walk like how he used to.
Give him the happiness he deserve.
Help him to become successful.
Shape him into the best man on earth.

I will be a better woman.

Take away my running nose and cough.

Will be a better day


P/s: Even though i maybe a little unreasonable at times. But darling. You're still everything. Smile. let love lead the way.

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