Monday, 28 July 2008

Empty yet still strong

Day 3 of my Dieting

Randy Changed my life.~

I was reading the last lecture by Randy Pausch for the entire evening.Like what was mentioned, Being Happy is equivalent to a fish speaking of the importance of water. Sometimes, Life makes you miserable by bringing you to the worst aspect of life.However when u did the right thing, Karma gonna settle among itself and strange enough you'll gonna find youself sitting on top of the world once again.How come? It was only through those misery then we'll learnt the lesson and avoid making the same mistake over again.I named it as the "tough way to rectify life".


I'm feeling empty lately.I got no inkling about what is going on and how come it happens..Perhaps,something is missing and i cant possibly smile without that missing puzzle.I guess i took mistake harshly and gotten myself extremely upset. I'm so Dying to change yet i didnt give myself enough time.Ignorant aint always a bliss people. Sometimes i was wondering the things which i am trying to show or should i say what have i projected myself to others? Sense of Pride? dignity? or some silly hot headed personality? I hate the idea of being a selective listener and life insists that i face the reality.Shit.

Maybe a hungry person is an angry person. Oh is the third day of my dieting. Everything seems well and i aint having craving for food.It's a Good sign.Really good sign

Near to success.


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