Sunday, 14 June 2009

Hello People, I aint dead yet!
My boyfriend Stun me with a Diamond Ring from Soo Kee - Brilliant Rose. I was damn high for the week man.Receiving such gift for the first time is kindda like Holy Holy Holy. And you know what i mean. Jumping the whole day but im guilty as well. Coz i dun really get use to people spending money on me and he's good at grooming people.Just take a look at my table and you will see all the great stuffs. HAAAA.

Oh well, Im feeling sorry for girls who missed him as they choose to judge people on the physical appearance - That doesnt mean he dont look good. He looks great and always very presentable to me.Very nice for me to hug also. I mean he's Fantastic and a great soul! why didnt they give him a chance to show what he can really give.

Sometimes the ideal one is standing beside you
But you couldnt open up your eyes and see
what did you get in the end?
Shit boyfriends and get dumped.
Fucked as well!

Oh yeah, I just got back from a short camping at east coast with boyfriend. Its all new experiences and we did some illegal BBQing infront of our tent.HAA. Sounds crazy!
Okay its 7.30am in the morning. Im off to bed now. Tata.

P/s: Your incredible. Not hulk Please. =) Love you.

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