Friday, 5 June 2009

I Slept less than 7 hours for the past 2 days. Its all chill out with my boyfriend and he is certainly nice though he lost his cool the other time as some UNEDUCATED people come to us for justice.

To the dumbest bitch on earth - I hope you smoke more so that you die young leaving your screwed daughter behind. I cant possibly force myself to reason out with someone whose education is not even at secondary level. Talking to u is equivalent to talking to a primary school kid. Stop wasting my precious time.

To the Most Prata man on earth - I hope you get into some sort of accident that cut your tongue away. SO THAT U CAN STOP TWISTING YOUR WORDS AND FUCKING STOP THE LIES. ONCE A LOSER ALWAYS A LOSER. LOL

To the best boyfriend - Many misses and love to you. =)

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