Saturday, 1 August 2009

I got somewhere i belong
I got somebody to love
this is what dream made of.

Life changed.Indeed.

Went to Shiying's birthday yesterday. Those usual bunch of friends are always there. Talking shit and thats the enjoyable thing ever when u had a hard day at work.Life seem almost perfect. Just that working is shitty. its all Chasing chasing chasing chasing. Many times, I really feel like giving up. Tender and go. But i cant. Luckily my boyfriend is always there to help me through in times of difficulties. My dad is heading for operation in late August or early september. Hopefully everything goes well and we can all head to taiwan and hunt for good food. bf will join us for the travel as well. WEEEEEE! Orh. Cruise during late september with my bf too. ZAI.


count yourself LUCKY if u are still studying IN SCHOOL.


P/s: Gonna get ready for school, Projects, THEN FINALLY WORK AT HOME? WTF?
Gonna head to church, BF's PLACE! YAY. LOL

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