Friday, 26 February 2010

I dont

I dont have a party life (Coz i'm from a decent family)
I dont study overseas (Though i'm dying to)
I dont wear revealing clothes (I dont have that kind of body)
I dont Suntanned (I like it fair and healthy)
I dont fancy rich man but i admire professional (I detest Wealthy spoilt brat)
I dont own any luxury good (Except for my Brilliant Rose ring)
I dont take alcoholic drinks (Unless you force me to)
I dont dine at high class restaurant (Except for dinning with Bf's Family)
I dont look down on people (I look down on loser)
I dont care what people say (I will fuck you if i know who u are)
I dont mind making friends with proud people (You're a motivation to me)
I dont make friends with Emotional people (It disgusts me greatly)
I dont* dont* love my boyfriend (You're stupid if you cant figure it out)

Im a typical singaporean. Not outstanding. Not smart. Not pretty. Not Tactful.

Despite that, I got many love from my boyfriend. How about you?


P/s: Only you bf.

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