Thursday, 25 February 2010

Study Overseas

I can't study in Aussie because

I do not wish to be a financial burden to my dad.
My sisters especially my second sister will be the first to skin me alive.
My boyfriend will miss me badly and probably change of heart after so long.
My dad needs a chauffeur to drive him around for breakfast every weekend.
My mum will miss my jokes terribly.
I cant bring myself to enjoy life in aussie while my family is having a hard time working.
My dad and mum are getting old,they need someone to take care and talk to them.
I cant bear to leave my family members here.
I dont want javier to forget about me since he's still an infant and infant usually has bad memory as they grow up.
I want to give my parent a better life as soon as possible
I cant be so selfish towards people around me

So many reasons to prevent me from leaving singapore.
Its okay, I can always go on holiday with them. EUROPE YEAH?!MUHAHAHA


P/s: Lets go on holiday soon boyfriend!

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