Sunday, 25 July 2010


Life is extremely hilarious sometimes. Especially when most of the singaporean are being brought up in a competitive environment and people tend to behave in cynical manner. Be it academic to career to boyfriend to husband to son/daughter to hdb to condo to freehold landed property to funeral to cremation to burial to mandai columbarium to bright hill columbarium. We compete from day 1 of our life to the very end when we die. Its weird. I hate the idea of winning and losing. I love being fair and square.

Someone just got to be hurt real bad aint it? but i do not understand why some of them have to even put up a competition deep within among friends. Especially friends for years who have always been there to bring you through the toughest time. I dont really agree with BFF. Coz when shit happens and vicious cycle return, everything gonna come to an end aint it? This shit applies to everyone. Dont be too naive to believe in forever. Coz nothing in this world last except gold!

Now that is even more painful than anything else. Yeah worst than your bf cheating on you!

Dont do stuffs that reflect you badly. Be it to your friends, family or everyone around you. Do things that are value added please.

Be good. do the right thing

Of coz there are friends who are obviously wanting to bring you down. Because your negative actions could have been rooted firmly in his/her memory. Some people remember why it happens while many doesnt know what happens!

Now thats Faceoff!

Everyday we met stupid people but fuck i just hope it aint gonna be you.

and thats funny. RETARD!


P/s: I love my boyfriend.

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