Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Starting from today! Be a bitch


It's Stupid to be a "nice girl"(we call them DOORMAT)Get this straight to your brain or give yourself a slap to wake up. You gave away everything including your soul to someone who doesnt even appreciate a single Bit of it. So why care? Why bother about those baking cakes/cookies, Making cards and strip even before they ask for it?HAA. Time to get down to business and be a real bitch. Thats the deal. When things doesnt come in your way. DITCH THEM.COZ BITCHES LOVE THEMSELVES.

Swim Swim Swim
Jog Jog Jog
Sit-Up Sit-up Sit-up
Walk walk walk

Catch me when school reopen people.
Hotbod is on the way.


"You will feel uncomfortable and upset in the beginning
Those hopes and dreams all gone with the wind
But look on the positive side of life
You will see the light"

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